What are online students looking for?


Not all students study the same way or for the same reasons, but there are certainly some boxes they are looking to tick off when searching for their best-fit online course. Here is a quick run down of common things students consider when comparing university-level online programmes.


This is a big one. If students are spending thousands of pounds and investing possibly years of their time for study, they deserve to get the best possible education, and be taken seriously by employers. Some are wary of online programmes, and with the amount of scam online schools out there, students should definitely look into which courses are legitimate. 

Accredited universities, programmes, and even individual modules are much more appealing to serious students who want a trustworthy education. You likely already mention somewhere on your website or marketing materials that your school is accredited—if you aren’t, you should—but students may also search on their own through official lists of accredited school to find your institution.


In a 2019 survey from Inside Higher Ed, 58% of participants said they had already decided on their area of study before choosing to learn online. Students typically have a goal in mind when deciding to go into further study, whether it’s to enhance their career or earn a degree without needing to leave their job. The course they embark on is usually aligned with these goals, and online programmes best fit their needs, rather than students first deciding to study online and then choose a programme. 

Your school may already have very specific, specialised online programmes in place, in an area with a huge demand. Students might be looking for a programme which develops a very particular skill set, and could be searching for a school that not only has the degree they want but also modules which help them meet their individual goals. 

Take Arden University, for example. Their online programme listing includes 10 courses that have a data analytics focus, but each are combined with valuable specialisations and award type for more personalised study. A programme with a more industry-focused learning outcome will ultimately attract a broader base of students whose goal is to begin or further their career. Even hyper-specialised programmes can be tailored to better meet students’ post-graduation goals.

Faculty Credentials

Serious students will likely do their own research into who is teaching online courses with your school. They want to see that their instructors are not only experts in their field, but have successful teaching experience. Even the most brilliant researcher might not make for a great professor, let alone an effective online instructor. Show off your faculty’s talent and achievements. Students may choose your school for the academic team who will be instructing them.  


This one definitely takes time--even decades--to fully develop and make it into the forefront of people’s minds. However, there are definitely actions your university can take to move towards the front of the pack in the online learning realm. 

Nowadays, we can find out public opinion of any person, restaurant, hotel, or even university with a simple online search. Ratings matter and can be the first impression a potential student has of your school. It should be easy for potential students to find the people who love your university. Use every good review and positive student experience to your advantage. Testimonials and student feedback can work wonders when it comes to showing off your university to potential students.  

Along these same lines, showcase any and all awards, recognitions, and media nods your university, students, and academics receive. If your students are doing interesting research or a faculty member won an award in their field, show it off! Students, your competition, and potential partners will start looking for your university’s name in the news. 

Online Student Services

Most online programmes boast that their students need not feel as if they are studying alone, and have networking opportunities with other students. Take that one step forward and offer quality online student services, and you’ll be on your way to a great reputation. In a traditional university setting, students can pose questions to their professors during a lecture, or visit an instructor in their office during office hours. 

Online courses sometimes lack the immediacy that students are accustomed to, but that doesn’t mean students should be left to fend for themselves. Responsive academics and tutors, intuitive learning platforms, and user-friendly student support access all help close the gap between the student behind their computer screen, and their instructors. Interactive Pro employs a team of highly trained support counsellors who interact directly with students and field questions relating to their programme and university. Students of Arden University have 24/7 access to Student Line, a free, confidential support line that assists students with any issues, even legal and personal problems. These types of services support students in a way more similar to how traditional universities support students, and provide that human factor to the online learning experience.

Tuition fees

As when making any major investment, students are looking for the best value for their money when comparing online programmes. Though it may not be feasible to lower programme costs across the board, highlighting the value that your programme provides, and maintaining this high educational standard will keep your programmes competitive. 

Students also look for scholarship offers and payment plans when comparing online courses. Programmes through London School of Business and Finance can be paid for in installments, so students have more flexibility with payment plans. This structure allows students to pay as they go, and save up for the next module on their course, rather than needing to pay a large sum that they may not have at the beginning of their course.